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dream text

Wednesday, December 2 1998 Volume 01 : Number 034

In this issue:
Secret Secret Web update


Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 02:45:46 -0800
From: Rob
Subject: Secret Secret Web update

Now at a browser near you - some new stuff on the Secret Secret Website.

Things added:

Radio page
Secret Secret is starting to get radio airplay so we added a page.
Club page
Secret Secret has gotten some club play so we added a page.
News page
We've had a news page for a while, but it's now reorged and easier to deal with.
Discography page
added to this page is the Certain Damage 99 disc that we are on.

You can find all of this stuff by going to our website and clicking on the Neptune icon in the navigator bar.

I'll be adding a Print page and a Manufactures page too. All in good time! As if I had any... =8<>

I'm ever so close to getting the Kanji version of our site started, but I have to work out the Dvorak/ALK issue first. Anyone know the solution to this one?

If you are a DJ/Club/Radio station etc. and you'd like to play/promote our music please send me a privet post so that we can make it happen.



Secret Secret

End of Dreaming Digest V1 #34

Secret Secret
San Francisco December 2003